Working with a REALTOR®
No matter if you’re a prospective buyer or seller, the MLS® is an up-to-date database that gives instant access to listings. Working with a REALTOR® saves you time and makes the buying and selling process hassle free. REALTORS® are also required to follow TRREB’s MLS® Rules and Policies that ensures any client has access to accurate listings they can trust.
For sellers, a REALTOR® uses the MLS® to determine a fair listing price by performing a comparative market analysis. The database is searched to reveal comparable sold, active and expired properties, retrieving information such as sold price, list price and average time on the market to help determine a range of fair listing prices. And, sellers get the most buyer attention for their listing.
For buyers, a REALTOR® matches your specific needs to all properties listed on the MLS® to narrow your house-hunting search. Your REALTOR® creates a profile outlining your desired price range, location and specific details like the number of bathrooms and bedrooms.
Your REALTOR® searches all active listings in a specific neighbourhood and retrieves all relevant information including property description, photographs, and assessed value. In helping you to determine an offer, your REALTOR® researches specific properties’ historical data such as previous selling prices.